
My February

Me and my brothers inside!
Thanks fuys!
For the whole Februry, except the new year holidays for one week, I spent most of the time in Chen-Ching Lake Training center in Kaohsiung.

It is because I need to take some training program to become a supervisor of the Tidayi (The duty/job I am doing now). That is for sure I will have higher payment when I become a supervisor, meanwhile, I need to take more responsibility to take care other Tidayi. They may have some troubles with their colleagues or even the principle in school, and we will become the bridge to communicate between both sides. When the school have some irrational and too over asks for them, we also need to fight for them. Many people saying that the extra payment will be spent out by paying the gasoline!

Ha! But I make it! I finally finished the training program. I didn't get the number 1 prize of the rogram, but I was the first one of the '3000 m running' and 'living performance of the camp.' That made me win 600 coupons of the bookstore. Anyway~ I am happy with that!

The biggest challenge in this program is that every senior member who came to Cheng-Ching Lake to prepare to become the supervisor need to be "ZhiSing(值星)" who will need to lead troops and make orders! I did a not bad job on this part~ :P But my throat was extremely painful after that!
The photo of Zhising (be serious and with a poker face XD)
It is really funny that there will be many rules in the army, and one of that is you need to make your quilt look like TOFU! So there will be many people who afraid they will not enough to make the bed in the morning, they will choose to put the quilt on the side and wear their jacket~ So funny!

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